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The auxiliary data files containing the weights and addresses used in these transformations have a similar structure; their names are given in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1: Analysis auxiliary data files
File name Description
nweights weights, addresses and iteration number for EXTRAP/NINENN interpolation
any name weights and addresses for EXTRAP/WEIGHT extrapolation
mweights weights and addresses for INTERP/SURFMESH interpolation
gweights weights and addresses for INTERP/GAUSSIAN interpolation
any name weights and addresses for MOZAIC interpolation
any name weights and addresses for SUBGRID interpolation

The files nweights, mweights and gweights can be created by OASIS3 if their corresponding $NIO = 1 (see EXTRAP/NINENN, INTERP/SURFMESH, INTERP/GAUSSIAN in sections 6.3 and 6.4).

The name of the (sub)grid-mapping files for MOZAIC, EXTRAP/WEIGHT and SUBGRID analyses can be chosen by the user and have to be indicated in the namcouple (see respectively sections 6.3 and 6.4 and 6.5). These files have to be generated by the user before starting the coupled run.

The structure of these files is as follows:

      CHARACTER*8 cladress,clweight
      INTEGER iadress(jpnb,jpo)
      REAL weight(jpnb,jpo)
      OPEN(unit=90, file='at31topa', form='unformatted')
      WRITE(clweight,'(''WEIGHTS'',I1)') knumb
      WRITE(cladress,'(''ADRESSE'',I1)') knumb
      WRITE (90) cladress
      WRITE (90) iadress
      WRITE (90) clweight
      WRITE (90) weight


For file nweights, there is an additional brick composed of a CHARACTER*8 variable (formed by the characters INCREME and by the data set identificator) and of an INTEGER array(N) which is the iteration number within EXTRAP/NINENN at which the extrapolation of the $n^e$ grid point is effectively performed.

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Reinhard Budich 2004-12-22